Title VI Analysis

Title VI is an integral part of TMD’s comprehensive approach to service planning, from transit system reimagining, operations reviews, and fleet/facility planning, to fare policy studies (pricing, media, access) and public engagement efforts. We are well versed in current FTA regulations and skilled in the analyses required to assess potentially adverse effects of proposed service and fare changes. Understanding the importance of addressing any disparate impacts and disproportionate burdens to various vulnerable populations, TMD considers Title VI requirements at each stage of our planning process, and strives to achieve positive service equity outcomes in all of our projects.

Sample Projects


Title VI Analysis

Title VI is an integral part of TMD’s comprehensive approach to service planning, from transit system reimagining, operations reviews, and fleet/facility planning, to fare policy studies (pricing, media, access) and public engagement efforts. We are well versed in current FTA regulations and skilled in the analyses required to assess potentially adverse effects of proposed service and fare changes. Understanding the importance of addressing any disparate impacts and disproportionate burdens to various vulnerable populations, TMD considers Title VI requirements at each stage of our planning process, and strives to achieve positive service equity outcomes in all of our projects.

Sample Projects