Ankit Singh

Master of City and Regional Planning (Transportation Studies Certification), Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University
Bachelor of Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi


Transportation Management
& Design, Inc.
Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
Delhi Integrated Multi-modal Transit System Limited


Dean’s Scholarship 2020-2022
Awarded for the short film “Jamoora” at NOSPlan annual convention – 2017
Prime Minister’s Scholarship program 2014-2018

Ankit Singh | Senior Planner

Ankit is a passionate transportation planner originally from New Delhi, India, now based in the United States. He holds a graduate degree from Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. During his time at Rutgers, Ankit worked with the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, where he conducted GIS-based accessibility analyses for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance. His work, centered on evaluating the feasibility of the 15-minute city concept, highlighted his expertise in leveraging advanced GIS techniques for spatial big data analysis.

Before pursuing his graduate studies, Ankit gained valuable professional experience with the Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System. There, he contributed to impactful projects, including the Rationalization of Bus Routes in Delhi, analyzing the socio-economic costs of road accidents in India, and conducting traffic due diligence studies.

At TMD, Ankit continues to make significant contributions to a variety of transportation projects. His strengths in data analysis, GIS applications, and best-practice research have been instrumental in improving transit operations, focusing on saving riders’ time. This includes evaluating transit on-time performance, designing and analyzing headway-based operations to reduce wait times, and developing cost-efficient solutions to enhance reliability. His GIS expertise supports innovative analyses such as walkshed studies, transit propensity assessments, site suitability evaluations, and accessibility analyses, all aimed at optimizing the rider experience and streamlining their journey. By identifying and addressing inefficiencies, Ankit’s work directly contributes to faster, more accessible, and reliable transit services for communities.

Project Experience