Master of City and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Master of Science, Transportation Engineering, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
BA, Anthropology, University Of California, Los Angeles
BA, Portuguese, University Of California, Los Angeles
Transportation Management
& Design, Inc.
Metropolitan Council (Saint Paul, MN)
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Marin Transit
San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority
Daniel Peña | Senior Planner
Daniel Peña has diverse experience working on transit planning, transit performance evaluation and transit policy. Daniel has rejoined TMD after working for six years as a transit planner for the Metropolitan Council in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Daniel’s work with the Metropolitan Council included evaluating transit service performance, developing long range transit plans, developing regional transit policy, peer research, evaluating grant proposals and working with diverse stakeholders on regional transit projects. With his previous experience with TMD, Daniel worked on Comprehensive Operations Analyses throughout the country, including Buffalo, Los Angeles, Austin and San Antonio.