BA, Environmental Design and City Planning, GIS Minor, University of California, Berkeley
Transportation Management
& Design, Inc.
Gadsby-Trudgett Award in Sustainable Design, 2023
Dean’s List, 2019-2023
GIS Specialist
A recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, Britney majored in Environmental Design with minors in City Planning and Geographical Informational System (GIS). During her undergraduate career, she worked as a program coordinator with Y-PLAN (Youth-Plan, Learn, Act Now) for Oakland Unified School District educating students interested in urban design and planning. As an undergraduate student researcher for the Center for Cities and Schools, she focused on designing StoryMaps regarding the impact of McKinney-Vento Education policies around housing, food security, and transportation on the youth. During her capstone year, Britney focused on conducting a corridor analysis of the TEMPO 1T line on local businesses along International Boulevard, Oakland.
At TMD, Britney assists with a variety of projects by mapping demographic data, conducting transit network analyses, and managing visual communications. Britney’s interest in geospatial representation and design fosters her pursuit towards creating more sustainable modes of transportation.