MPA, Public Finance, Baruch College
BBA, Political Science, Baruch College
Transportation Management
& Design, Inc.
MTA Bus Operations (Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
New York City Transit
New York City Comptroller’s Office
Thomas Del Sorbo | Senior Manager
Thomas Del Sorbo is an experienced manager of transit operations, strategy, and financial analysis. As a senior executive, he has directed high profile transit projects, including the integration of private bus companies into a public agency, the transfer of publicly operated fixed-route bus and paratransit services to private operation, and the migration of support functions into a shared-services environment. He uses his strong financial analysis skills to evaluate the cost and operational implications of service, maintenance, and planning decisions within transit agencies. Also, he helps clients evaluate operational and financial data and performance metrics to inform the prioritization of limited resources. He has extensive experience representing transit agencies on a wide variety of operational and financial issues. Prior to joining TMD, Tom served as Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration for MTA Bus Operations, Chief Administrative Officer for Subways at New York City Transit, and Audit Manager for the Comptroller’s Office. His previous areas of responsibility included transit operations support functions, including operating/capital budgets, procurement, storerooms, human resources, labor relations, information systems, and payroll/accounting.