Solano County, located in the northeast corner of the San Francisco Bay Area, is a diverse county with a population of over 450,000. STA is the Congestion Management Agency for Solano County, responsible for countywide transportation planning, programming transportation funds, managing and providing transportation programs and services, delivering transportation projects, and setting transportation priorities. In addition to coordinating with the five local transit providers in Solano County, the STA operates four express bus routes through contracts with one of the providers and other shared ride and active transportation mobility programs. The CMIP is evaluating the express bus network, including opportunities to convert some service to a BRT lite model, identify new markets, and improve overall speed and reliability. The CMIP is examining all mobility programs to identify gaps and deficiencies, and to develop an integrated and coherent plan for mobility in Solano County that will reduce the percentage of single-occupancy vehicle trips, achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions, adapt to post-Covid travel behavior changes and implement recommendations of the MTC Blue Ribbon Recovery Task Force to better integrate all transit service in the Bay Area.