In 2013, TMD worked with Santa Monica Big Blue Bus (BBB) to update their Title VI Program and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan. BBB’s Title VI Program was updated in accordance with FTA Circular C 4702.1B guidelines. The report included three sections: Introduction/Overview, Service Standards, and Program Specific Reporting Requirements. TMD worked with BBB staff to obtain inputs for each section and supplement the collected documents with 2010 U.S. Census data. ESRI ArcMap GIS was used to map minority and low-income households within the Santa Monica service area. All documents, maps, and analysis were compiled into a report and submitted as part of their triannual FTA review.
BBB’s LEP Plan was also updated to reflect service and service area demographic changes. The updated LEP Plan followed the Department of Transportation’s Four Factor Analysis and identified riders and potential riders that would benefit from services in a non-English language and what systems BBB could implement to provide accessible services to all riders. For Factor 1 and 3, TMD analyzed 2010 U.S. Census data to determine the demographic composition of BBB’s service area and the amount of riders who may need services in a language other than English. For Factor 2, TMD developed and distributed a survey to BBB divers and customer service representatives in order to obtain information about frequency of contact with LEP individuals. For Factor 4, TMD worked with BBB staff to collect information and document the resources available and costs of providing LEP assistance. The Plan also documented the LEP services that BBB already had in place and identified areas where BBB could add and/or improve these services. All compiled documents, maps, and analyses were compiled into a report and submitted as part of BBB’s triannual FTA review.