TMD was commissioned by SANDAG to prepare a phased BRT service and operating plan for the I-15 managed (HOT) lanes. The I-15 BRT Study tasks included: a) develop a BRT service plan for the I-15 corridor that addressed market demands, corridor configuration, and station locations; b) review other BRT and managed lane operations in the United States and overseas and identify the best practice application for the I-15 corridor; c) estimate both the ridership and the Park-and-Ride facility demand in the I-15 corridor, based on both employee/student zip code analysis, and model results and forecast changes to transit mode shares; d) design BRT service route and trip patterns for the I-15 BRT, as well as “last mile” fixed and flexible connecting services; e) develop operations and access plans for the newly created services, including station and Park-and-Ride design elements, vehicle design, and fare collection options; f) recommend additional transit priority measures, where relevant to enhance I-15 BRT operations, including downtown San Diego; and g) develop a financial plan for the I-15 BRT operations, vehicles, and facilities.