TMD completed “Reimagine RTS”, a study that looked at how the transit system can better meet the evolving mobility needs of communities in Monroe County, New York. The plan created a reimagined transit network that leverages existing market successes and opportunities, optimizes the current bus network, and integrates innovative solutions to make the system more effective for customers. Given the variability in communities throughout the county (from urban to rural), successfully serving the region and meeting customer expectations requires RTS to rethink its approach to delivering mobility.

A comprehensive analysis of existing market and service conditions was performed at the start of the project and was used to inform the plan principles and help identify potential mobility solutions. Simultaneously, comprehensive stakeholder and public outreach (led by Highland Planning) occurred throughout the project, with over 60 in-person events and numerous interactive online opportunities. Throughout the outreach process, stakeholders and the public prioritized more frequency, more direct service, and shorter wait times. Together, with the plan principles, this feedback has helped focus recommendations around a “frequency first” approach that includes a more direct network, new crosstown connections, and integration with innovative and flexible mobility options. The Network Plan was completed in August 2018. Implementation of the Reimagine RTS plan was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic until March 2021.
