TMD assisted BART in their transition from a manual/spreadsheet-based system to HASTUSTM. During the initial implementation of HASTUSTM within BART, TMD was responsible for entering existing crew schedules (runcuts) into HASTUSTM. This was performed by tracing information from a variety of preexisting reports (spreadsheet-based) and using such data to build accurate duties in HASTUSTM for each schedule day type. TMD also identified both real and potential issues within HASTUSTM, which BART could use to follow up with Giro to ensure the system was configured correctly.
BART subsequently engaged TMD to provide technical assistance in the continuing implementation of HASTUSTM in order to enhance scheduling capabilities and efficiencies. The support covers the following tasks:
- HASTUSTM optimization: Identify optimization opportunities regarding blocking, runcutting, and rostering. TMD will assist with testing new rules, parameters, scenarios, or ideas that require outside expertise.
- Service optimization: Evaluate individual routes, portions of the service area, or the entire system to identify service optimization opportunities. The goal of the optimization is to increase efficiency of BART’s pay hours, number of operators, number of trains, and/or operator quality of life.
- Report and interface updating and creation: Develop new interfaces and reports using HASTUSTM lists, OIG, and/or Crystal Reports (identify the most appropriate method of generating each output). This requires comprehensive experience and competency in each of the report development methods, which TMD has duly acquired through working with many clients in this area.
- HASTUSTM coaching: Provide coaching to scheduling staff in the use of HASTUSTM as a supplement to training provided by Giro. Coaching may include using shortcuts, key features, workflow strategies, and other topics to help staff leverage the software, and increase the efficiency of train scheduling services.